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Healthier, Happier, Smarter


As a part of our new 21st Century Learning focus, The Galloway School will become a National Green Ribbon School. The national “Green Ribbon Schools” recognition and award program was developed by a strong collaboration of organizations and individuals that share a common concern: Children are increasingly disconnected from nature and play outdoors. The Green Ribbon School provides key and essential benefits to children's health, development and well-being through outdoor play, experiencing and discovering nature first-hand. The Green Ribbon School Partners are committed to working together to help stop this alarming trend and provide opportunities for children to develop to their full potential by reconnecting children with the wonders of playing and learning in nature. The developers of the GRS initiative were inspired by the book, “Last Child in the Woods” by Richard Louv and the work of the Children and Nature Network. Members include professionals from all walks of life: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department; Texas Education Agency; Texas Department of State Health Services; Texas Forestry Service; Service Learning Texas; Texas Action for Healthy Kids Alliance; Texas Pediatric Society; Campfire USA; 4empowerment; nature centers, zoos, park friends groups; university professors and researchers, real estate developers, architects, media and marketing professionals, and more. Primary developers of the “Green Ribbon Schools” recognition program are: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, 4empowerment, Texas Impact and Texas Department of State Health Services with primary review by: Association of Student Councils, Service Learning Texas, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas and the Texas Education Agency. The Children and Nature Network, to whom we owe much thanks for the use of "healthier, happier, smarter", provided invaluable support and research.

To be awarded the Green Ribbon School Award, a school must publish a Results Page for at least one project in each of the 4 cornerstones of environmental sustainability including:

Environmentally-friendly Campus (Eco-Campus):
Conserving natural resources and creating green spaces for a healthy, energy-wise school.

Nature Adventure:
Encouraging outdoor recreation, skills and play during and after school.

Health, Fitness and Nutrition:
Providing wholesome nutrition, fitness opportunities and life-long healthy habits.

Natural Classrooms:
Integrating nature and natural systems to facilitate learning across the curricula.

Under each Cornerstone you will find a number of what we call Categories. These are areas within each Cornerstone in which you can start and then publish activities. See the list of these below:

Eco Campus: Energy, Water, Recycle, Green Spaces, Pollution and Transportation
Nature Adventure: Outdoor Skills, Exploration & Play, Nature Spaces
Health and Fitness: Health Education, Nutrition & Healthy Eating, Healthy Lifestyles, Fitness & Physical Education
Natural Classrooms: Stewardship, Leadership and Professional Development, Nature Curricula, Field Investigation

Be inspired. Inspire others. Get Recognized. Make a Difference!