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S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

Preparing Students for 21st Century Careers!

What is STEM?

The Galloway School is dedicated to preparing students for 21st Century workplace careers by providing high quality educational opportunities in STEM fields. STEM represents the fields ofscience, technology, engineering, and mathematics. STEM education encourages a curriculum that is driven by problem solving, discovery, exploratory learning, and student-centered development of ideas and solutions. The saturation of technology in most fields means that all students – not just those who plan to pursue a STEM profession – will requirea solid foundation in STEM to be productive members of the workforce. Galloway’s STEM Initiative begins in PK3 to build an early foundation in STEM awareness and confidence.

STEM Labs offer an environment where students can conduct experiments and simulations in a controlled environment.  STEM labs are designed to provide technology education at itbest by supporting academic development, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.The students work through a wide-range of modules and projects that relate to specific career clusters.


The strength of the labs lies in the philosophy of providing technology education, not technology entertainment. It does this by providing a dynamic combination of computer-based learning resources that incorporate multimedia technology within a managed learning environment. Students work in teams on collaborative projects linked to modular study. In each assignment, students are learning workplace skills such as problem solving, team working, and communication skills. Each member of the work team has a specific job title: Inventory Control Specialist; Master Builder; Academic Assistant; Group Coordinator.

Lower School students in grades Kindergarten through 2nd grades attend the STEM Lab once a week, and upper school students attend twice per week. STEM is taught by professional  engineer with strong backgrounds in math and technology. STEMscopes is the official textbook for the Galloway STEM program which was developed by STEM specialists at Rice University.

 STEM video

First graders plan their own CONTROLLED experiment