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Developing Advanced Technology Skills for the 21st Century


The Galloway School is leading the way in technology integration with a rigorous and cutting-edge B.Y.O.D. – “Bring Your Own Device” school-wide initiative! The Galloway technology model is “One-of-a-Kind” in that ALL of our students, PreK-3 through the middle school grades, bring their own iPads or tablets/laptops to school to learn and apply technology tools, explore educational sites, participate in online learning, research, expand learning through grade appropriate, teacher-approved apps, and complete online assignments through digital textbook subscriptions tied to academic content areas. Students in PreK-3 –Kindergartenuse iPads. From the 1st grade on, students use wireless tablets or laptops that connect to our secure wireless system.

In addition to school-wide technology integration via personal student devices, we are in the process of equipping all classrooms with interactive white boards and document cameras for engaging, interactive lessons. Teachers use both Apple iPads and PC laptops in lesson design and delivery.

The new S.T.E.M. Lab, Writing Lab, and Global Education Center will have state-of-the art technology equipment to provide students instant connectivity to schools throughout the world who participate in the IPC (International Primary School) and IPC (International Middle Years Curriculum) as well as S.T.E.M. centers through the U.S. Galloway has many advantages, and a world-class technology-rich learning environment is one BIG advantage! Advanced Technology Applicationsare offered during the Exploratory and Extend sessions. Coding, video-game/webddesign and video-streaming will be offered.