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Christian Education is a Vital Part of Our School Identity

All Galloway students participate in weekly chapel every Wednesday. Students wear their full dress uniforms on this day to pay respect on school chapel days. Although our school is a Christian school, chapel services are inclusive and respectful of all protestant denominationsand other world religions. It is the “tapestry” of faiths that create adynamic exchange of perspectives, questions and tolerance for globallydiverse faiths.

Weekly chapel lessons are prepared as appropriate for each grade level. Mr.Josh Orsak, the youth minister at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Nassau Bay, is our school chaplain responsible for chapel lessons tailored to each age group. Songs, videos, skits and stories are incorporated into the chapel lessons to engage students in the learning process. Chapel instruction reinforces the school’s Character CountsProgram and Galloway’s Manners-In-Minutes Program.

We look forward to the day when we can build a chapel on school grounds to provides true church setting, and allow us to invite parents to our chapel services. Mr. and Mrs. James Galloway, our school founders, wanted a non-denominational Christian school that embraced diversity and was inclusive of other world faiths. We believe students of all faiths and beliefs feel at home at The Galloway School. Weekly chapel is one way all students come together to learn about the Christian faith with respect and acceptance of those of different faiths.